Within the context of the CDWaste-ManageVET project, which aims to promote VET for construction workers by addressing modern training needs in accordance with EU priorities regarding current CDW management rules and circular economy, project partners representing France, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Romania, discussed the pilot delivery of the training program in partner countries.
In particular, it is foreseen that 15 trainees (construction workers) from each country will attend virtually the Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) Management training program, whereas 5 of them will also participate in a short internship program.
PEDMEDE will implement the pilot training for Greece. Additionally, within the forthcoming period, PEDMEDE will organize an info day- workshop aiming to demonstrate the CDW training program, as well as to highlight and present its core activity in the CDW field through PEDMEDE ECO, its recently established new firm, as a Collective CDW Alternative Management System with National activity.
Find out more about the news of the Erasmus+ CDWaste-ManageVET project here. Learn more about PEDMEDE ECO here.