Le partenariat CDWaste-ManageVET implique 7 partenaires de 6 pays de l’UE combinant une expertise complémentaire dans les domaines du développement durable et de la formation et une couverture géographique équilibrée (contributions, perspectives et vue d’ensemble des différentes zones de l’UE).

OEC- Office de l’Environnement de la Corse

The Office de l’Environnement de la Corse (OEC) established in 1991 by the Collectivité Territoriale de Corse is responsible for regional policy on the environment and sustainable development.

Its main areas of intervention are:

  • pollution and nuisance control, including waste disposal, promote and recovery and waste water treatment.
  • Promotion of quality of life (water quality, landscape quality, spatial planning…).
  • Education, awareness : environmental and sustainable development..
  • protection and management of natural areas and balances, preservation of sensitive areas (coastline and mountain),
  • protection and management of insular and endemic plant and animal species,
  • protection of aquatic environments and water resources, protection of marine environments, fire prevention.

Address: 14, avenue Jean NICOLI – 20250 CORTE
Website: www.oec.corsica
Contact email: info@oec.fr

PEDMEDE, Panhellenic Association of Engineers Contractors of Public Works

PEDMEDE, Panhellenic Association of Engineers Contractors of Public Works
PEDMEDE, established in 1935, represents the construction sector in Greece, covering all the range of companies dealing with the construction of public and private works.
PEDMEDE is the sole Greek Construction Association representing the country in a European level. It is a statutory member of FIEC (European Construction Industry Federation) and EIC (European International Contractors), as well as member of EDA (European Demolition Association).
The Association’s premises are located in Athens. In addition, it comprises of 15 regional departments, covering all Greek regions and a separate section of Construction Companies.
In the core of its scope, PEDMEDE aims to ensure and promote its members’ interests and welfare in a national and regional level. In this light, it is in close cooperation with public authorities, government representatives and key stakeholders, representing the construction sector, forming polices and initiatives and having a leading role in social dialogue. Among its key services provided is law consultancy and training along with ensuring active involvement on National and European projects related to its areas of interest.

Address: 23 Asklipiou Str., 10680, Athens Greece
Website: www.pedmede.gr
Contact email: info@pedmede.gr

EKS, European Knowledge Spot

European Knowledge Spot is a not for profit organization committed in making information and knowledge accessible to all and creating positive impact on education, social inclusion and environmental protection to build an era of peace and sustainable development.

All activities designed and implemented by the organization are user-centered, having as cornerstone the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in the sense of building a better world for people and our planet and promoting prosperity while protecting the environment.

Core Functions include:

  • Promoting innovative learning methodologies and creating a knowledge hub in support of the SDGs.
  • Providing high-quality learning solutions to address the capacity development needs of individuals, organizations and institutions with the aim to make the SDG a reality;
  • Promoting strategies that build sustainable economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, equality and job opportunities, while tackling climate change
  • Coordinating and drafting EU funded research project proposals and further develops research results and prototypes into innovative products and services

Address: Karaiskaki 11 str, 154-51 Athens, Greece
Website: http://www.euknowledgespot.com/
Contact email: rkalodiki@euknowldgespot.com


Formedil established in 1980 by the social partners of construction sector: Ance Feneal uil Filca Cisl Fillea Cgil
Formedil, the national body for vocational training in the construction sector, aims to promote, implement and coordinate on a national scale training, qualification and retraining initiatives in the construction sector undertaken by training centers, building schools.
Formedil promotes conventions and memoranda of understanding with public bodies responsible for training and education training; it takes part in national and international projects by promoting, in particular, the exchange abroad of students and trainers of building schools.
Training activities are carried out by local building schools according to the needs of the local labour market. Each building school, although characterised by financial and organisational autonomy, is coordinated at national level by FORMEDIL, which defines national reference standards through its own guidelines.
The actions of Formedil are an expression of the political strategies on training by the social partners. The collective agreements of the sector represent the reference framework from which all the actions of the national and territorial system of building schools derive and move.

Address: via Giuseppe Antonio Guattani 24 – 00161 Roma
Website: www.formedil.it
Contact email: formedili@formedil.it



ISQ is a private, non-profit and independent technological institution founded in 1965, currently running operations in more than 40 countries across the world (EU, Eastern Europe, Africa, Americas and Asia), offering its experience in technical inspections, technical assistance for engineering projects, consultancy services and training activities, supported by transversal research and development activities and by 16 accredited laboratories. For that propose, ISQ conducts Research and Development of Innovation activities (R+Di), promoting projects with national and international partners, from both public and private sector, aiming at continuous product and process innovation. ISQ is accredited for training services and training of trainers and is certified under Quality, Environmental and Safety management model, and is also an accredited body for training of trainers and teachers. ISQ also belongs to ECVET national expert group and is a board member of EVBB.

Address:  Av. Prof. Dr. Cavaco Silva, nº 33, 2740-120 Porto Salvo, Portugal
Website:  https://www.isq.pt/EN/
Contact email:  info@isq.pt / Lara Ramos loramos@isq.pt (Project Manager)



University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest is the oldest and most prestigious engineer school in Romania. Its traditions are related to the establishment, in 1818, by Gheorghe Lazăr, of the first higher technical school with teaching in Romanian, at the Saint Sava Abbey in Bucharest. On 3 August 1948, the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest was founded, which initially included 4 faculties and in which, since 1950, have appeared most of the current faculties. Based on the resolution of the Senate of November 1992, the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest became University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest.

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB) assumes the mission to train specialists in different technical fields that are able to use valuable scientific, technical and cultural knowledge, to contribute to the technological, economic and social-cultural progress of the Romanian society and the contemporary world. UPB ensures a performant education, developed and perfected through a complex research activity, continuing the tradition of the Polytechnic School of Bucharest, according to the exigencies and the means offered by the modern information society. It aims to create a new technical university profile, which promotes forms of training adapted to the requirements of a competing society, subject to the integration process in the European and international community.

Two centuries after the founding of the university and a century after the independence of Romania, the continuous thread of our goals remains the same – to educate for a better future, to find solutions through research for a better present, and to positively influence the context of our society.

Address: Post Office Address – Splaiul Independenţei nr. 313, Sector 6, Bucharest, Romania Postcode – RO-060042
Telephone: + 40 21 402 9100
Website: www.upb.ro


Since 1992 works to provide companies and employees the resources to be more professional, secure, qualified and with a more successful future, this is the main goal of the union of Confederación Nacional de la Construcción (CNC), CCOO de Construcción y Servicios and Federación de Industria, Construcción y Agro (UGT-FICA), which all together form this non-profit organisation.

As a result of years of dedication and effort, Fundación Laboral has become a benchmark entity in the sector and a key partner working for the future of companies and professionals. With more experience and knowledge at our reach, our goal is that the prevention of occupational risks, training, innovation, sustainability and new technologies are capable of assisting us to improving our sector. Thousands of construction workers are annually trained in one of its 45 training centres. The training offer consists of more than 400 training actions, and more than 100 own manuals about different construction subjects. The Foundation counts on the collaboration of more than 1500 trainers in Spain.

Fundación Laboral de la Construcción has an extensive experience in exchange experiences programs with other EU countries both with young students and unemployed workers as well as with general staff that want to learn from each other. Furthermore, it is an active member of the REFORME Network, a transnational network of European training institutions and organisations from 9 countries, existing for 25 years and having facilitated the exchange of expertise and good practice in the field VET.

Since 2013 we are focused on Vocational Training and teach in several of our regional councils the higher qualification grade in “Renewable Energies” and medium level qualification grades in “Operation and Maintenance of Construction Machinery”, “Construction Technician” and “Excavations and probes technician”.

Address: c/ Rivas, 25 – pol. Ind. Vicálvaro, 28052 – Madrid (Madrid)
Website: https://www.fundacionlaboral.org/
Contact email: internationalprojects@fundacionlaboral.org